
Generating Awareness

With the school children and youth we generate awareness of environmental issues such as water, wildlife, erosion, re-forestation, and garbage management through nature clubs and events including talks, skits and active participation.

Participatory Garbage Management

Participatory Garbage Management

The clinic staff all actively takes on the responsibility of segregating and disposing of the hospital waste appropriately. Plastic and paper is sent to nearby re-cycling units. Metal and bottles are collected by traders. Only the medical waste is burned or buried. Plastic collection bins have been set up in the village and the children hold monthly rallies to collect all the plastic from the surrounding fields and drains and sort the collected plastic for re-cycling. Local women stitch cloth bags which are screen printed in our centre with slogans encouraging people to reduce their use of plastic.

Click here for details of Nishtha Clean Green Rakkar Project

Find out how to make brilliant compost that your plants love from your disposable diapers and pads…

Organic Farming

Agricultural Issues

We practice organic farming methods, vermiculture and herb cultivation and spread awareness of non-conducive agricultural practices such as the over use of chemical fertilizers and insecticides and the introduction of genetically modified seed. We encourage people to grow local varieties and to make compost.


Nishtha Farming Report 2019-20
Nishtha Farming Data 2019-20

Tree Planting

Tree Planting

Each monsoon our team organises saplings from local nurseries for distribution amongst the villagers in order to encourage people to grow trees. We focus on trees which have commercial value for their wood, medicinal qualities or fruits. We also plant and look after trees on local common land and around the sports ground.

Dog Camps

Dog Camps

Stray dogs pose a significant health threat, particularly because they are carriers of rabies. We therefore hold regular camps to vaccinate the dogs and treat them for skin aliments and worms. Sterilisation is also carried out to try to reduce the population of stray dogs.

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