Nishtha’s Publicity Stall at Rakkar Mela

On the 1st of June 2013, as every year, Nishtha put up a stall at the Rakkar Mela. The aim in making a stand at the Mela which draws the whole village is to advertise our projects and programmes and to encourage people to participate and become interested in what we are doing in the village. Whereas previously we have put up posters and information sheets and tried to engage people in discussions about the issues in hand, this we decided to create a much more attractive and interactive approach by offering games to play.

Our theme this year was ‘The Environment’, so as usual we decorated the stall but then, keeping the centre area open, we put out biscuits and chocolates on a bench and had people try to throw rings over them from a distance. Those who succeeded in getting a ring around a prize had to answer a question related to the matter in hand, the environment. In this way we were able to loudly proclaim our message about garbage management while everyone had fun.

This and a second blindfold game was going on at Nishtha’s stand all afternoon and drew crowds of women, children and young people to our stall. 54 children, 10 women and 5 men won prizes.