All posts by Nishtha

Our Blockmaking Program

Every product these days is packaged in non-recyclable soft plastic which ends up along the sides of the road, clogging rivers and water channels or filling up dump sites. Nishtha collects clean segregated soft plastic waste from the villagers and re-cycles it as plastic building blocks. Come and see our work!

Our Organic Farm

Our aim is to promote organic farming methods and experiment with ways of improving the quality of the earth on marginal plots to make it more productive for subsistence farmers. We encourage people to grow local varieties and to make compost. We spread awareness of how using of chemical fertilizers and insecticides damages the earth, destroying its power. We teach people the value of preserving local seeds, saving their own and avoiding using genetically modified seed.

Soap Workshop

Dharamshala Environment Preservation Network, a group of 8 local organisations determined to work together to tackle the ever growing garbage issue, met at Nishtha last week. As well as learning how to make natural soap under the expert guidance of Tenzin Palmo, an English teacher from TCV school, they discussed how to take the opportunity on Environment day to spread awareness of the importance of  each one of us taking responsibility for the proper disposal of our own waste. Nishtha was proud to host this event and provided tea and snacks to all the participants.

School Nutrition Program

Integral to our work to upgrade the health of the village, since 1998 we have been running a school nutrition programme which continues to be very successful in the village school. Nishtha augments the very basic meal provided by the Government by providing protein rich supplements as well as vegetables and fruits.

Teenage Girls Meeting

A series of workshops for 100 local teenage girls is being held in our Community Center this month. Ravindra, our doctors and computer trainers present an exciting medley of games, discussions, interactive talks, videos and power point presentations to keep the girls attention. In one day they pack in lots of information about health and menstrual hygiene, personal safety and identity ensuring that the girls enter adult life with confidence and awareness.

The Outreach Clinic

Providing information about how the body works, how to take care of it, why it goes wrong and how access appropriate medical care goes a very long way towards building women’s confidence in themselves.

The Community Center

In 2002 we purchased the house next to the health clinic which was simply built and in poor condition. Extensive repairs and improvements were undertaken during 2003-4. The house provides a large well lit workshop room, the computer room, a library, a multi purpose room, a small kitchen, storage and filtered water. It provides space for workshops, meetings as well as for children and adults to learn, play and come together.

Staff picnic

To celebrate the arrival of hot sunny days in the mountains the staff enjoyed a picnic to Jankhni Devi Mandir above Palampur. They enjoyed the peace and quiet, cooking together and singing and dancing until long past time to go home!