Sixteen determained cyclists set off from Chateau Gurli on the first leg of their challenging ride covering 500 Kms of Himachal Pradesh. Arriving in Kangra they had a great visit to Kangra Fort with its views up to the snow class Dhauladhar mountain range.
All posts by Nishtha
Clay workshop
Dharamsala International Film Festival
Tuition Class
20-25 children from the local government school are attending Nishtha Tuition class every afternoon. Two young energetic teachers go through their Math and English school work, helping them understand and prepare for the school exams in March.
Dance Competition
Congratulations to our sponsorship students who won second prize for their traditional dance performance in the Block Level competition yesterday.
Mohli kindergarten improvements
No longer do the rats and mongooses raid the food and play things in Mohli village kindergarten! In response to urgent appeals from the staff, Nishtha repaired the window grills and screens to make the room safer and more hygienic for the children.
Domestic Violence Workshop
Luisa, one of our two new Austrian volunteers reports on the single women’s workshop on domestic violence and a workshop for teenage girls, both held in Nishtha community Centre.
Here are the links of two reports:
Vijay’s dance lessons
Wonderful to see Vijay Bhadwaj back in top top form teaching dance to our sponsorship students.
Special needs children and their carers
Arushi, Sanjoli and Priya spend the day in our community centre along with their carers. We are delighted that Sanjoli is enjoying her new wheelchair!
Nishtha 2019 Calendar available now
You can purchase this bright and beautiful full colour calender for Rs 200 directly from Nishtha.
To order from within India please contact us – cost Rs. 300 each including postage.
To order from abroad please contact us – cost GBP 6, Euro/US$ 8 per copy.