We are immensely grateful to Nicola Tansley for spending precious time advising us how to help our disabled children Arushi and Sanjoli and for agreeing to become a Nishtha UK Trustee! We are so happy to have you with us!
All posts by Nishtha
First Aid Training
Six members of the Welsh St John’s ambulance team gave a wonderfully hands on training to 22 members of our staff and student group. They gave invaluable instruction on how to respond in case of emergencies which is a huge help in this rural area and left us all feeling empowered to help others when needed. Thank you so much Des Kitto and your wonderful team!
New Books for Library
Thank you kind donor for restocking our library with over 100 new picture story books so we can really enjoy reading in Hindi
Nishtha Clean Green Program
Nishtha Clean Green team cleaned up the nearby forest to restore its natural beauty which had been totally spoiled by people who come here for picnics and to party leaving their garbage behind them. Please, everyone who visits our mountains and forests, leave them clean and beautiful!
Holi celebrations
Nishtha staff and children had a wonderful time celebrating Holi, the festival of colour, rejoicing in the arrival of spring. We wish everyone a wonderful fresh season bringing great joy, harmony and bounty!
Kindergarten Shoes Distribution
33 little children in 4 remote baby creches received a pair of good quality slip on shoes as well as two pairs of socks each from Nishtha this winter. Vijay and Ravindra took each child’s foot measurement and ordered the best and most comfortable material from Manohar lal shop in Dharamsala. The kids were all very happy with their new stylish shoes and socks.
Nishtha Cricket Tournament 2018
Nishtha Cricket tournament 2018 was clinched by Khaniyara Eleven team who finally beat theYol team by 2 wickets in very close match. 12 local teams participated in this open cosco ball tournament held on the hard clay pitch prepared by Nishtha on the Rakkar ground. Refreshments and new cricket kit was provided for the final match which was held on the new Tillu ground which has more open space.
Sponsorship Students Environment Program
Our 16 sponsorship students participated in a day long environment program with Nishtha during their college holidays. Along with our team they visited local houses to see how the people are supporting our project by segregating and collecting their waste plastic in sacks. They then did a small clean up of the Rakkar area. The afternoon was spent on the Nishtha farm where Mohinder explained the principals of organic agriculture.
Harvesting Tumeric
Now is the time for harvesting the turmeric in our farm. After pulling from the ground it needs to be boiled and then our staff will prepare massage oil which is very effective for instant relief of severe pain.
Yoga with Navedeta
Navedeta, a young yoga teacher gave a week long yoga training at Nishtha after school program in which she taught the Surya Namaskar series along with the seven mantras. She provided each child with a print out so they could remember what they had learned. The children were very enthusiastic and really enjoyed these yoga sessions. Thank you Navedata!