All posts by Nishtha

Shoes for students

With the kind donation of a long term friend Nishtha was able to give a pair of sturdy shoes and two pairs of wool socks to each of the 228 children in the 5 local primary schools and the Rakkar Middle school to help them through the bitter cold here in the mountains. Ravindra and Vijay did a great job organising and distributing the right size to every child!

Nehru Yuva Kendar

Each year Nishtha helps the Government sports department “Nehru Yuva Kendar” to organize their two day sports event in Rakkar village using the facilities for volleyball, basketball and badminton as well as other fun games. Nishtha then hosted the prize distribution program in our Community Center hall. Our Project Officer Mr. Mohinder was invited to be the chief guest and distributed the prizes.

Special wheel chair

We are really gratified to have been able to help one of our patients with this special wheel chair. She is suffering from osteopetrosis resulting in multiple fractures which have been pinned and is not allowed to walk and must keep her legs extended and supported. We had this wheel trolly specially designed and made by Sukhdev Saggu and his remarkable team at Everest Engineers in Delhi . She is delighted and is now able to get around her home and performs her household work and creative work easily and with a smile. She sends huge thanks to everyone that made this possible!

Winter sports program

On 17th November 125 students of Rakkar primary and high school enjoyed a lively sports program on the Rakkar Ground. Mohinder opened by leading a quick clean up of the ground after which we arranged teams and set them up with equipment to play cricket, volleyball, football, basketball, badminton, skipping and frisbee. In the afternoon the students engaged in athletics, cheering each other on with great enthusiasm to excel in long jump, high jump and in running races. In the end everyone enjoyed welcome refreshments.

Sponsorship Dance

Nishtha sponsorship culture team was among the nine groups who participated in the district youth culture program held in Rakkar. Every group gave an enthralling performance which everyone enjoyed. Sai school was awarded first prize and will go forward for the State level competition.

Sponsorship DIFF program

Nishtha’s dance team, nine sponsored students were thrilled to be able to attend Dharamsala International Film Festival with free passes from the organizers. They watched two really interesting documentaries: Mukti Bhawan and Cameraperson. Thank you DIFF for putting on the festival and making such a movie experience available to us!

New swings

Nishtha has provided baby swings both in the kindergartens and on the playground. The little children were very excited and most were happy to try them out – though some were feeling shy!

Dusherra and Diwali

Nishtha Children celebrated the festivals of Dusherra and Diwali with their teacher Ravinder Kaur and our staff. We all made masks of Ram Lila characters and beautiful colorful rangoli patterns. In a full day program last Wednesday the kids played fun games and enjoyed a lunch of special snacks.

We wish you all a very Happy Diwali!

Rakkar Women’s Stitching Cooperative

A group of 10 women from our village form the Rakkar Women’s Stitching Cooperative. Increasingly people need money and their earnings from their farm produce or daily labour are so low it is remarkable that they can feed and clothe their families let alone meet educational and medical expenses. These women are proud of their skills and are pleased that they can earn some money making beautiful bags which people love.

Ravindra is modeling their new backpack design.