The virus is most easily transmitted by touching your face. Wearing a mask helps you to stop touching your face.
Category Archives: News
Pandemic Preparations
Ankush’s Workshop “Pahar aur Hum”
Recently Nishtha’s youngest employee Ankush Sharma attended a 10-day workshop called “Pahar aur hum”, to learn about the Himalayan region, local garbage problems, sensitive Kashmir issues and the culture of the region. 35 Students and fellow activists from all over Himachal Pradesh learned about each other’s problems and relating solutions, Nishtha’s plastic blocks were found the best answer for soft plastic management in small villages.
Health Card
Plastic Brick Bench
At last Nishtha’s initiative to make building blocks out of soft plastic is gaining momentum with both individuals and government departments ordering blocks. Some days ago, Mohinder (Project Manager) met with the Block development officers and Panchyat Pardhan, who are very keen to construct ecosan toilets using plastic bricks in every Panchyat. Recently the Rakkar Panchyat constructed sitting platforms on their premises from plastic bricks. The next step is to convince other agencies to start making plastic blocks.
Outreach Clinic
Dr Shreya has been accompanying Dr Kusum on the outreach clinics for the past three months. She reports that the clinics are a great initiative to reach people living in remote areas to promote health and well being in the community. The program raises awareness of common illnesses and the current environmental challenges faced in everyday life. It is a medium to sensitize women about their health issues and teaches them basic fitness techniques. She has really enjoyed being a part of the team but sadly will be leaving us soon.
Rakkar Cricket Tournament Final
The 2020 Rakkar cricket tournament title was won by the Barol team who defeated the Dari eleven in a thrilling match. The under 19s category saw our local Rakkar team defeated by the stronger Fathepur team.. More than 200 spectators were kept entranced on this a sunny Sunday, enjoying watching the players running between the wickets, smashing sixes all over the ground, swing and turn balling and displaying extraordinary fielding to save a single run for the victory. It was tremendous day! Finally the winner and runner-up teams received their shinning trophies and medals from the chief guest Mr. Vipin Nehria and Mr. Ankush from Nishtha distributed our final Nishtha 2020 calendars.
School Feeding Program
The school children were very excited when our team arrived on a cold winter morning with a huge bowl of boiled eggs which they ate very happily. In order to increase the protein intake of the children during the winter, Nishtha staff decided to provide roasted chickpeas or soyabeans, peanut brittle and once a week an egg to each child.
Single Women and Staff Meetings
On the last Thursday of the month, an important meeting of our Single Women team was held, with two new assistant activists: Manju who has now completed 3 months and Vandhana who has just joined us. It is very heartening to find that the team is working cohesively and effectively and to learn that our most experienced activist Kummo will stay with us, deferring her retirement in order to offer valuable support to the younger members. This meeting was followed by our weekly staff meeting, held in cherished winter sunshine in the Community Centre courtyard.
School Cleanup
Last Friday, as part of the local Fridays for Future Campaign , Dharamsala Waste Warriors worked alongside Nishtha in organising an awareness raising program with the students and teachers of the government school in Rakkar. Mohinder gave a talk about how our village is developing so rapidly and the quantity of garbage is becoming uncontrollable. Inspired, the students took an oath saying: “we pledge to be aware of our use of consumer materials and follow the motto: re-use, re-duce and re-cycle”. The students then went out in groups to clean up the village.