Nishtha Organic Garden

Nishtha Organic GardenSujata, wife of the late Nishtha driver, Subhash has been fully employed by Nishtha since the beginning of April this year. She is an experienced local agriculturalist and along with our other members of staff who are devoted to the idea of organic gardening, she is working hard cultivating the land and growing vegetables and herbs. When the Single Women come for their meetings they also help her. Ram, Suresh and Mohinder pass on their knowledge about composting, and creating enzyme rich nutrients for the soil

Nishtha's potato harvestOn this last day of April Sigata, Ram and the group of single Women harvested our potatoes and started digging and feeding the land in preparation for lady fingers, French beans, spinach, gurd, cucumber, pumpkin, brinjal and tomato, etc in the land.