Great work from our sturdy volunteers painting a colourful number spiral at the Nishtha Playground on which the children can play.
Calendula Picking
The Nishtha Clinic
Outreach Clinic
Single Women Meetings
Block level meetings are usually held twice a year and offer an opportunity for single women to meet useful Government officers, local officials and doctors to discuss their various problems and receive advice and help. Over 350 women attended the meetings and enjoyed the opportunity to meet and share a good lunch.
Hero Printers
International Women’s Day 2022
The Nishtha team assisted the local Panchayat in putting on an interesting and enjoyable event for International Women’s Day, attended by over 50 local women. The Pradaan introduced the event by explaining the origin and importance of Women’s Day. Ravindra and two of Nishtha students spoke encouraging women to be aware of their rights. There followed traditional lively Kangri and Ghaddi dance performances which everyone enjoyed.
In Bloom
Spring is here and the fields are alive with flowers and grasses. Our team have been out picking plantain (plantago) leaves which they wash and dry and then bottle along with raw sugar and spices to make our very effective cough syrup.
Little children’s Special Care Packages
For a full two years, because of CORONA the little children in the villages have had no pre-school classes. Feeling very sorry for them at home without their friends, this month Nishtha decided to give each of the 50 children who a registered to attend the 4 anganwaris we look after a special care package. We bought shoes & crocks, socks & underwear, a selection of toys: cars, balls & playdough as well as colours and drawing pads. They were especially delighted with the nice things to eat: cake, noodles, mango papad and dates. The mothers and children were very surprised to receive such a lot of lovely things. The kids faces lit up when they received the big yellow balls and the cars! What joy!