Dr. Barbara Nath-Wiser & Dr. Kusum Thapa
Nishtha is a Charitable Trust situated in Sidhbari, a small village in the Himalayan foothills of the North Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. The main objective for which the Trust has been established is to work for the benefit and development of society as a whole by improving the welfare of families with particular focus on women and children. This objective is served through activities in the fields of health, education and environment.
Our approach is to work alongside the local people for our mutual development and benefit. In this fast moving world in which major changes in our cultural perspective creates conflict and confusion we aim to encourage dialogue and learning through acknowledging individual and group knowledge and desire to live in harmony with each other and nature. Our approach is holistic and our philosophy is based on an integrated approach that is inclusive of physical, social and spiritual growth of people and nature.
Nishtha’s founder and manager is Dr. Barbara Nath-Wiser a general practitioner from Vienna, Austria who has been living in Sidhbari since 1984. The health centre is dedicated to the memory of her late husband Krishan Nath Baba, who was a respected spiritual personality in the area and was very concerned about the well-being of the local people.
Nishtha Trust was set up in 1995 by Dr. Barbara with the help of 3 Trustees: Mrs. Monica Ghosh, Dr. Kishwar Shirali and Ms. Abha Bhaiya.
Nishtha Trustees
Soniya Sebastian
Soniya is an active member of the local business community. Her extensive network of local connections and knowledge is of great value to the Trust.
Radhika Shaunik
Radhika was a Research Assistant at the French School of Far-Eastern Studies, Paris, where she was responsible for the South-Asian section of their research library and now works as a freelance researcher on women’s issues. A passionate reader, she also promotes literacy through reading by either creating libraries, with associated programmes, in schools or community centres or helping existing learning centres to expand their activities.
Puja Anand
Puja Anand is an IIT trained electronics engineer specializing in creating computer-based training. She has worked in Delhi and Singapore, where she set up and worked at Knowledge Platform, an renowned international e-learning company, where she was CEO from 2006 to 2011. Puja returned to India in early 2013 to live with her mother in Himachal Pradesh and is currently working as an online learning consultant. While here, Puja has become involved with teaching spoken English to local kids, youth and and teachers.
Nayantara Mankotia
Nayantara Mankotia, a former teacher of St Mary’s School in New Delhi and present principal of Vihaan Valley Montessori school in Tiara, Kangra.
Benita Sharma
Benita Sharma, resident of nearby Drang tea estate was elected as Trustee in 2022 . Benita has extensive experience as a teacher and NGO activist with experience of setting up self-help groups with totally illiterate women in Bihar, Rajasthan and Orissa. She went on to work for the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, an organisation which focuses on governance, democracy and issues such as violence against women. For 4 years she worked with Unifem looking at gender responsive budgeting in South Asia revealing an interest and energy in pursuing justice and right livelihood for women which the Trustees felt would make her an excellent addition to our board.
Retired Trustees
Kamla Bhasin
With great sadness Nishtha trustees remember our dear friend and valued trustee Kamla Bhasin who passed away in September 2021. We valued her for her immense experience and vigilance. We learned a great deal from her sharp eye and questioning mind which did not let anything escape her, always keeping the Trust in focus. She was a great time keeper, expecting punctuality but balanced this rigour with quick wit and a fine sense of humour. Her honesty and dedication to the interests of the Trust and our work for the community remain with us as her lasting legacy.
Abha Bhaiya
Abha has been a prominent activist in the women’s movements in India, South Asia and beyond for the past 40 years. Her major contribution has been in the field of feminist training methodologies. Along with Kamla Bhasin and Barbara Nath, she has set up Jagori Rural in Rakkar Village, a community based organization focusing on women’s and youth empowerment along with an organic agriculture program.
Kishwar Shirali
Dr. Kishwar Shirali is a retired reader in Psychology from Shimla University. She has been living in Sidhbari since 1994.
Monica Ghosh
Mrs. Monica Ghosh was a local social activist who was very helpful in establishing Nishtha Trust with her support and encouragement.
Where We Are

Nishtha Annual Reports
Nishtha Annual Report 2023-2024 [PDF – 9.4 MB]
Nishtha Annual Report 2022-2023 [PDF – 6.8 MB]
Nishtha Annual Report 2021-2022 [PDF – 7.3 MB]
Nishtha Annual Report 2020-2021 [PDF – 4.9 MB]
Nishtha Annual Report 2019-2020 [PDF – 6.9 MB]
Nishtha Annual Report 2018-2019 [PDF – 6.1 MB]
Nishtha Annual Report 2017-2018 [PDF – 7.3 MB]
Nishtha Annual Report 2016-2017 [PDF – 7.3 MB]
Nishtha Annual Report 2015-2016 [PDF – 7.4 MB]
Nishtha Annual Report 2014-2015 [PDF – 8.5 MB]
Nishtha Annual Report 2013-2014 [PDF – 1.9 MB]
Nishtha Annual Report 2012-2013 [PDF – 2.8 MB]
Nishtha Annual Report 2011-2012 [PDF – 30 MB]
Nishtha Annual Report 2010-2011 [PDF – 1.2 MB]
Nishtha Annual Report 2009-2010 [PDF – 31 MB]
Nishtha Annual Report 2008-2009 [PDF – 38 MB]